Monday, February 21, 2011

Mathletics Madness!

For the last 3 weeks we have been using Mathletics at school and at home as a way of learning and practicing our maths in a fun way. Each week if we get 1000 or more points we get a certificate. This week all these children got one!
Go Whio -Maths Superstars!

This is what one look's like close up
Bailey's Certificate

Jordan and Julia did really well this week and scored over 3000 points each. They received an extra prize from Mrs T. Well done girls.
Jordan and Julia- Superstars!

We interviewed a few students to see what they enjoy about Mathletics;
Jordan -'Its a fun way to learn Maths!"
Julia- ' Its easy if you know what you are doing and it makes maths fun!'
Holly- "It has helped me learn my positive and negative numbers"

Bailey- I like to earn credits on Live Mathletics so I can buy my avatar new things!"
Bailey's Avatar

Mrs Thomas " I love the way everyone is so enthusiastic about Maths- So often when they have finished a task in class its; "Can I go on Mathletics?"!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job guys for getting 1000+ points on mathletics i only got 1044 points last night!!

    Chloe Marer.


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