Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to our very own Blog!

Hello! Mrs Thomas here, reporting for duty! 
Welcome to a brand new year at St Paul's! I am very excited about this new year- so much to look forward to in the Senior Syndicate.
What do you think of our new Blog page?- complete with Pet Fish! (To feed you just double click the mouse- they also like to follow the mouse around!)
Pretty exciting!!- Over the coming year you will all be adding to this page which will become a diary of events in our classroom, as well as a way of getting your homework, finding links to websites and also for getting information about what is going on around school!

I shall assign  a blogger team for the week who will be in charge of sharing all of our work / photos/ videos etc. If you have any useful websites you would like to link to, let me know!
 I will look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday Morning. Enjoy the rest of the holidays. Mrs T


  1. What a fantastic blog Mrs Thomas. I had lots of fun feeding the fish. I will be able to keep up with events in Whio too!

  2. What happened in Christchurch is devastating.:( But John Keys speech was very very inspirational. Poppi Burke

  3. Hey Mrs Thomas! Nice blog! Better than our one last year I can Tell you that! :)
    Nick Erasmuson


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