Friday, June 10, 2011

Rusty Photo Competition- We need your votes!

In Whio class we have been learning about the properties of materials and have investigated (among other things) how and why steel rusts. This has inspired us to take some Rusty Photos!
Please view the following slideshow and cast your vote on your favourite rust inspired photo on our poll down the left hand side of the blog. The competition lasts one week. When casting your vote think about the subject matter and the artistic nature of the photo.
Thank you for your participation.
Our "Rust Inspired' photo competition on PhotoPeach


  1. You have taken some great photos Whio. I really like the photo of the nail with rust on the timber. It's clear and the angle it's on makes it interesting

  2. I LOVE your pictures Whio.
    My favourite is the tricycle.
    I used to have a steel boat and got used to finding rust in unusual nooks and crannies.
    Mr Searle


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